Lenakast (Lenalidomide) is an anti-cancer medication used to treat patients with blood disorders or cancers. Lenakast?is supplied in Tablet form containing 5, 10 and 25 milligrams of?Lenalidomide?and additional substances. Lenalidomide is function by inhibiting the growth of blood vessels that provide nutrients to cancerous cells (Anti-angiogenesis).
It stops the process of division and multiplication of cancerous cells (Cell-proliferation)
It puts a stop to the development of chemicals that cancerous cells use to communicate.
If it causes an immune response, the immune system’s function is determined (Immunomodulatory effects)
It supports in altering the production of chemicals chief for development and survival of cancerous cells i.e. cytokines (Antineoplastic)
It has the potential to influence the genes that control self-destruction (apoptosis) and metabolism.
When do you stop or use Lenakast (Lenalidomide) with caution?
?If the patients had negative pregnancy tests (2) before starting lenalidomide, it’s crucial to avoid having sex for the first 4 weeks of treatment and for the next 4 weeks afterward.
If patients experience some form of bleeding problem (hematologic toxicity), a dose reduction or modification is strongly advised.
If patients have risks of heart problems.
If patients have cancerous cells that have been overkilled, spraying their contents into the blood will help (tumor lysis syndrome)
If patients have a hazard of liver and kidney disease.
If patients experience drug-induced allergic reactions or skin rashes, the dosage and frequency should be changed.
Most common side-effects of?Lenakast
?Decrease in platelets
Fever with other signs of infection
Constipation, diarrhoea, and other stomach issues
Back and muscle aches
Shortness of breath
Rashes on the body
Joint pain
The body’s temperature has risen.
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